These coffee bars and roastery (with two locations in Guelph) have garnered a cult following with th
What’s better than enjoying a wood-oven fired, Neapolitan-style pizza in an elegant century-old bu
Seemingly inspired by equal parts Las Vegas strip, Old Hollywood, and punk rock, this cupcakery cra
For any warm-blooded shoe lover, a visit to this family-owned downtown Guelph business is akin to be
This Locke Street staple creates a crazy array of mouth-watering donuts from scratch each day.
While we’ve been known to hit up Park Grocery for its smoked beef brisket, applewood smoked chicke
It’s the perfect destination for a house burger. Add parmesan fries with truffle aioli, braised be
The Modern Bride is a carefully curated, appointment-only bridal boutique located in downtown Guelp